The Overhead Costs of Geoengineering are Just Way Too High



“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”

Haile Selassie

Have you ever encountered an issue which you felt was wrong, unjust, immoral or simply plain daft, but it seemed way too big, for you as an individual, to effectively do anything about; to influence the situation for the better?

Like most ordinary workaday people, distracted by surviving on this human farm, you probably fretted a little, made your concerns known to a family member, to a friend or a close associate, but after perhaps at best, a period of smiles and agreement, or at worst, indifference, you cast your concerns to the back of your mind thinking: sure look, if it gets really bad, they will have to do something about it.

Well, have I got news for you? YOU are the THEY.

While out taking exercise in October 2017, I was moved to look skyward. Why I was moved to look up on that particular occasion, I do not know. It was as if, I had been prompted by an inner voice.

What I saw was two jet aircraft, at very high altitude, flying in opposite directions, on a seemingly parallel course. I stood and observed, as both aircraft headed towards their respective horizons, leaving in the wake of their engines, horizon to horizon, continuous thick white trails.

I have been long enough on this mortal coil, to have witnessed countless high altitude, jet aircraft fly past events, and what type of trails, if any, were left behind. I knew, with certainty, that what I was witnessing was something different. What I had observed, significantly piqued my interest.

As a result, I immediately started on a journey of research, determined to try and find out, what it really was, that I had witnessed. Suffice it to say,  the research drew me into the reading of many articles, a couple of books, and the review of many videos, all relating to a subject known as, Geoengineering.

When I arrived at the point of discovering something called SAI (Stratospheric Aerosol Injection), one of the strategies promoted and employed by Geoengineers, to so-called mitigate “Global Warming”, I became deeply concerned.

I noted that so-called scientists, (mostly from the USA), were talking about spraying a cocktail of chemicals into our atmosphere (yes, the very same air we must breath) to “reflect the sun rays back into space”. I ascertained that part of the chemical mix of SAI comprised: aluminium, barium, strontium, lithium, and iron, all of which are toxic for human beings, not to mention other air-breathing creatures.

I later learned, with even greater concern, that not alone was the above proposed (but it was likely, already taking place). I learned that, in one form or other, man had been tinkering around with weather modification, for almost seventy years. During such time via plane, rocket, balloon and various ground based devices, perhaps billions of tons of a chemical called silver iodide and salt, had been dumped into our atmosphere, for the purpose of “cloud seeding” to either induce, or curtail precipitation.

So what’s the bottom line here?

Well; although it should be self-evident, I’ll state it anyway: toxify the atmosphere enough, and you guarantee, illness and slow death, for every living organism which in order to survive, must breathe the atmosphere, which you are toxifying.

The question therefore becomes: How, as soon as possible, can we stop this Geoengineering/SAI insanity?

By now, you are probably incensed, that such abject criminality appears to be taking place and if you are not incensed, then you certainly should be, because if this issue is not dealt with head on, and quickly, then truly, nothing else really matters.

You may be asking yourself: what can I, as a lone individual do, to fight this craziness, and in so doing, to protect my family, and my community?

Have you heard the term: United we stand. Divided we fall? It is particularly applicable in this case.

Furthermore, have you ever contrasted a puddle of water, with a mighty fast flowing river? No power in the puddle, but awesome power, in the fast flowing river.

Visualise yourself as a potential water droplet, coalescing with others, to form a fast flowing river of effective resistance to Geoengineering. Put another way; the power of the crowd can be a mighty, and unstoppable force, against evil.

Many people around the world are now awake to what is going on, almost daily in our skies. Many are working hard as individuals, to highlight what they have discovered, to a broader public, i.e. to wake people up, to the grave danger, which Geoengineering presents to all of us.

One such person, who has made it his mission to comprehensively highlight the dangers of weather modification, is Jim Lee from South Carolina, in the USA.

Jim has put his money, and his skill where his mouth is, and over time has coded up a number of first class web sites, devoted to the education about, and the pushback on, Geoengineering.

I have been following Jim’s work for a while, and can say without fear of contradiction, that the material he publishes is superbly well researched, and backed by hundreds of reference links to scientific papers, patents etc.

Jim’s mottos are: (1) “Keep it real” and (2) “Attack ideas, not people”. On both counts, I thoroughly agree.

So, down to the nuts and bolts of what you, as an individual can do, if you wish to help push back on the criminality which is Geoengineering.

In recent times, Jim has launched an adjunct to his sites. It’s an App called CVR (Climate Viewer Reports). There is a version available both for Laptop & Mobile (all mobile devices are covered, I believe). I am currently using the Laptop version. The image at the top of this article is, of the user interface on the Laptop version.

Why not download the app to your chosen device now.
(Links to Jim’s sites are provided at end of this article).

If, while out and about, you spot anything unusual in the sky: cloud type, colour, jet aircraft trails etc. please photograph what you are seeing, and upload a report to Climate Viewer Reports (We will take a look at what’s involved in making a report, in a moment).

The only effective way we are going to push back on Geoengineering is via Law & Legislation. Jim Lee has already done Trojan work on the preparation of weather modification control legislation, for use in the USA.

The purpose of the Climate Viewer Reports App is to facilitate a world wide channel for evidence gathering. If there is no well organised evidence, then no pushback via Law will be possible. So, I hope you can see now, where your possible involvement, may fit in with all of this.

I signed up some time ago and now, on a daily basis, upload sky condition reports to the CVR Database.

So, what’s involved in the process of making a report?

There are a number of possibilities here. You can opt to become [1] a daily reporter, [2] an occasional reporter or [3] a reviewer/commentator. From an evidence gathering point of view, all such activities have value.

This is what the CVR App Interface looks like –



When I make my daily reports I carry out the following actions –

1/ Report Title
2/ Description (A narrative of what I had witnessed)
3/ Date & Time (Modify to local)
4/ Categories: Tick – Sky Watch Reports
5/ First Name
6/ Last Name
7/ Email Address
8/ Find Location (Map) – Dublin, Ireland (in my case)
9/ Upload Photos (Individually. Use + for each additional image

You can also, if appropriate, utilise the: “News Source” and/or “External Video” link fields.

So, for me, nine quick actions and my reports head immediately into the CVR Evidence Database. The reports remain there permanently, and are used initially to plot global scale maps, which summarise both the extent and the detail of observed sky and weather conditions and events.

Social Media/The Internet can be a two-edged sword; it can divide us as well as unite us. Let’s make sure that on this, arguably the most critical issue of our time, it’s the latter, which we together will leverage, to halt the criminal craziness, which is Geoengineering.

Here is an introduction, by Jim Lee, to his CVR App and also some links to his excellent sites –

Links to Jim’s sites –

Here is a summary of my CV Reports, to date of this writing, for the Dublin 15 area, Ireland –

The time to start making a difference, is right now.

Together, let’s draw the picture, which tells the story, and provides the irrefutable evidence, vital in fighting the battles, via law and legislation, which will be necessary, in order to facilitate a full and unobstructed restoration, of Mother Earth’s natural hydrological cycle.

You owe it to yourself, to your children, to your children’s children and to your community, to be involved in this, a pivotal battle of our 21st Century.

If you wish to contact this Blog post’s author, for extended dialogue on this, or any other post then feel free to email me at this address:

or Tweet to: @DisparatePost

About dubmantalks

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